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- 1 Términos del juego
- 1.1 Amby
- 1.2 Airshot
- 1.3 Baitear
- 1.4 Buff, over
- 1.5 Crit Heals
- 1.6 DH
- 1.7 Dropear, Drop
- 1.8 Focusear, Focus
- 1.9 Foto
- 1.10 Mini, Level 3, Nivel 2
- 1.11 Destrozado, a caraperro, tocado
- 1.12 Juke
- 1.13 Kritz, críticos
- 1.14 Milkear, Milquear
- 1.15 Piquear
- 1.16 Pipe
- 1.17 Popear, Echar
- 1.18 Quickscope
- 1.19 Roller
- 1.20 Spam, Spamear
- 1.21 Splash
- 1.22 Trickstab
- 1.23 Über pop(ped)
- 1.24 Wipe
- 2 Metagame terms
- 2.1 Backcap
- 2.2 Called
- 2.3 Callout
- 2.4 Coast to Coast Push
- 2.5 Combo
- 2.6 Dry Push
- 2.7 Distraction
- 2.8 Domino Cap
- 2.9 Double Overtime
- 2.10 Golden Cap
- 2.11 Flanco, Flanquear
- 2.12 Leapfrogging
- 2.13 Pick(s)
- 2.14 Saltar
- 2.15 Main
- 2.16 Main Caller
- 2.17 Midfight
- 2.18 Offclass
- 2.19 Pocket, Poquetear
- 2.20 Pushear
- 2.21 Sac, saquear
- 2.22 Stock
- 2.23 Tradear
- 2.24 Tunnel Vision
- 2.25 Ventaja de Über
- 2.26 Unlocks
- 3 Map terms
- 4 General Terms and Abbreviations
Términos del juego
Abreviación para la Embajadora (Ambassador).
Cuando alguien acierta un proyectil a un enemigo en el aire.
Cuando un jugador hace que un enemigo le siga a una situación infavorable para él.
Buff, over
Curar a alguien por encima de su vida máxima (hasta 150% de la vida). Cuando un jugador tiene mas del 100% de vida esta "bufeado", o tambien se puede decir que tiene "over" (de overheal).
Crit Heals
Término para describir la mecánica de curar mas rápido basado en el ramp-up de curas de la Medigun; despues de no recibir daño durante 10 segundos, el jugador podra ser curado tres veces mas rapido de lo normal (72 hp/s) lo que permite darle over muy rapido.
Direct Hit.
Dropear, Drop
Un drop es cuando el Medic muere con su Uber al 100%. Tambien se dice que un jugador ha sido dropeado cuando su Medic no le da la uber en medio de una pelea y lo deja morir.m.
Focusear, Focus
Focusear o "hacer focus" significa disparar todos al mismo jugador para acabar con el rapidamente. Normalmente se focusea al demo, pusheando last por ejemplo.
Disparo de cerca con escopeta en el que todos los perdigones aciertan al objetivo, haciendo mas de 80 de daño.
Mini, Level 3, Nivel 2
La centinela o minisentry de un Engineer. Los jugadores se suelen referir a ella por su nivel.
Destrozado, a caraperro, tocado
Usado para describir jugadores que han recibido mucho daño. Por la ambigüedad de estos términos es preferible decir el daño hecho.
Kritz, críticos
Nombre para la Kritzkrieg del Medic. Se suele usar como verbo para el tipo de uber de esta arma: "han echado kritz/echan críticos choque"
Milkear, Milquear
Cuando un Medic evita echar uber hasta el último momento posible.
Del ingles "peek". Cuando alguien echa un vistazo a una zona sin entrar a ella, normalmente para tener información del enemigo o en el caso del Sniper para tener un ángulo para apuntar.
La granada del lanzagranadas del Demoman.
Popear, Echar
Usar la Supercarga.
Cuando un Sniper apunta y dispara sin cargar el tiro.
La granada de un Demoman cuando rueda por el suelo antes de detonarse.
Spam, Spamear
Disparar repetidamente a un choke para evitar que el enemigo pase. De esto se ocupan los Soldiers y los Demoman.
La onda expansiva de los proyectiles y stickytraps que causa daño en una pequeña area aunque no los toques directamente.
Término para describir técnicas por las cual el Spy apuñala a un enemigo que ya lo ha detectado. (por ejemplo stairstabs, cornerstabs).
Über pop(ped)
When a Medic activates his ÜberCharge.
A wipe occurs when the entire team dies at once.
Metagame terms
When a player, typically a Scout, gets behind enemy lines and starts capping a point behind the front line thus forcing some members from the team to go back or, if the backcapped point is last, winning the round.
The act of using the voice command "Ubercharge Ready!" This voice command is automatically called when a Medic gains full Ubercharge if another voice command is not already in use. This command can also be called manually by a Medic in an attempt to trick the enemy team into thinking that he has full Ubercharge. For this reason, it is important to differentiate between hearing the enemy Medic "Call" and seeing that the Medic has Ubercharge.
A term attributed to a particular area of a map to quickly communicate location.
Coast to Coast Push
The term referring to the process where the team that was pushed to their last point pushes all the way to the opposing team's last point, subsequently resulting in a capture and round win.
The Medic and the players that play near him. Their job is to use Uber to spearhead pushes and secure main areas to control objectives on offense and to deny access to the objectives and shut down Ubers on defense. In 6v6, the combo is usually a Medic, the Pocket Soldier, and the Demoman. In Highlander, the combo varies but is most often made up of the Medic, Heavy, Demoman, and sometimes Pyro. In 4v4, the combo usually consists of a Scout, a Soldier switching between Roamer and Pocket when needed, a Demoman and a Medic.
Dry Push
When a team pushes a point or an area with out an Ubercharge. Commonly used when there is not enough time to charge an uber, or when there are other factors that make the push viable (Player/ammo/health advantage, etc.)
When one or more players openly present themselves to engage on the enemy in an attempt to draw their attention away from key targets, objectives or positions.
Domino Cap
When a point is lost because the previous point was taken with such force that a defense of the next could not be set up in time (ex. after a wipe on a 5CP map, a team is likely to lose two control points before they are spawned and ready to fight back).
Double Overtime
In King of the Hill, when both teams have dropped their timers to 0 and the attacking team has capture time on the point, triggering Overtime.
Golden Cap
Ronda especial para 5CP sin límite de tiempo en el que el primero en ganar una ronda gana la partida.
Flanco, Flanquear
En competitivo en general, el flanco es el lado opuesto a choque, es decir, la ruta alternativa para pasar de una zona a otra que suele ser más cerrada y angosta que la ruta principal. En 6v6, el "flanco" de un equipo consiste en los jugadores que miran flanco. Estos suelen ser el roamer y el scout agresivo.
En Highlander, la composición del flanco del equipo puede varíar, pero generalmente consiste de Soldier, Scout, Engineer, Spy, y ocasionalmente Pyro o Sniper. El soldier se ocupa de distraer y conseguir algunos picks. El Spy se vale de las distracciones para actuar, por ejemplo cuando el soldier salta o hay una uber. Cuando el Scout no se ocupa de empujar la carreta, mira los flancos y se asegura que nadie flanquea a su propio equipo. Tambien se puede ocupar de poner daño en las luchas o hacer focus al sniper enemigo. Ocasionalmente, el Pyro puede separarse de la combo ocuparse de jugadas en el flanco, y el ingeniero puede vigilar el flanco con la sentry.
En 4v4, el flanco consiste de un Scout y un Soldier/Pyro. Su rol es el mismo que en 6v6 pero debido al reducido tamaño del equipo los flancos son mucho más fáciles de controlar.
El flanco asiste a la combo vigilando las entradas que el combo no ve cuando estan holdeando, o colandose para conseguir picks y distracciones útiles.
When the two Medics have übers out of sync, the medic who has full über first can get a free push into the other Medic without much risk since the enemy doesn't have full charge. However, if the push doesn't result in an enemy Medic pick, then the other team will have advantage and can push back in the same manner. This is called Leapfrogging. The occurs commonly on midpoints of 5CP maps when the team that loses their Medic wins the Midfight.
Cuando matas a un jugador del equipo enemigo.
El acto de hacer un salto de cohetes hacia el enemigo. La ventaja de velocidad y la verticalidad se usa para intentar acabar con objetivos clave como el Medic o el Demoman. Normalmente salta el roamer.
La clase principal que alguien juega en competitivo.
Main Caller
La persona que lleva la voz cantante del equipo y lleva a cabo las decisiones más importantes, manteniendo comunicación con el equipo y organizando las jugadas.
La lucha inicial en el medio de las partidas en 5CP o KOTH al principio de cada ronda.
En 6v6, un offclass es cuando un jugador de sale de su clase habitual - normalmente un Scout o Soldier - para jugar una clase mas situacional, como por ejemplo ponerse Heavy o Ingeniero para defender ultimo, o Sniper/Spy para matar al médico enemigo.
Pocket, Poquetear
Jugador que proteje al médico y suele recibir más curas que el resto. Normalmente se trata del Soldier, aunque tambien se puede dar el caso de un scout defensivo que actua como pocket.
Cuando un equipo se mueve hacia delante en dirección al equipo enemigo.
Sac, saquear
Abreviación para sacrificarse. Cuando te mueres intencionalmente con algun objetivo específico (ponerse Sniper, distraer...).
Armas stock son las armas por defecto del juego. El opuesto a unlocks.
Cuando dos jugadores de equipos opuestos se matan entre ellos al mismo tiempo. Tambien se puede decir "tradear ubers" cuando los dos equipos echan uber a el mismo tiempo.
Tunnel Vision
Cuando un jugador se concentra mucho en un objetivo y no se da cuenta de lo que ocurre alrededor suya o ignora otros elementos de la partida. Por ejemplo, un jugador que solo hace focus al medic en todas las situaciones.
Ventaja de Über
Cuando un Medic esta más cerca de conseguir uber que el Medic del otro equipo.
Unlocks son las armas que no vienen por defecto en el juego. Se llaman asi por que en un principio se desbloqueaban con logros.Lo contrario a stock.
Map terms
Cart Path
The part of the map on which the cart runs, and tracks are visible on the ground.
General term applied to several maps referring to narrow hallways, rooms, or entrances.
The Flank is any area where the combo isn't. The Flank can also refer to the players who watch those areas. They are the players that don't rely on their Medic for heals and who prevent enemy flankers from getting into any positional advantage from which they can ambush the Medic. They tend to spark pushes by forcing Über or securing significant picks. In 6v6, the flank typically consists out of the roamer and both scouts.
The final control point. Used to refer to the 1st control point on either side of a 5CP map, or the bomb site in payload.
The 3rd (or center) point. Usually where the fighting begins at the start of a round after players complete their rollouts. Can also refer to the point in KOTH.
The sequence of jumps and paths each class takes to the mid point. While there are many different strategies and rollouts employed for each map, the general objective is for each team to have the fastest rollout to the middle point that leaves everyone with a full buff, as that gives immediate point presence and area advantage to the faster team.
General term applied to several maps referring to areas with grey doors that open when players are near them.
A control point with a large height advantage (ex. Process 2nd). Gives jumping classes an advantage and is usually the second control point on a 5cp map. Spire is also a callout referring to the second and fourth points of badlands respectively.
General Terms and Abbreviations
Short for "deathmatch", a term used to describe a player's individual ability to kill enemy players.
A persons perspective from a game. Demos are recorded in a few different ways. The most common and hassle free is PREC, a plugin used by many players. This program records demos automatically, and has many features such as bookmarks. Demos can also be recorded manually through the console commands "record <demo name>". You can stop recording with the command "Stop".
Recording demos are also known to fix some glitches, such as invisible player models.
Commonly used term to describe not being picked in a PUG, referring to playground pickup sports, where the fat kid is always picked last (or not at all).
"Good Game".
"Good Half."
"Good Luck, Have Fun".
"Good Round".
LAN dodger
A term referring to someone who is unable to attend their team's LAN matches.
An abbreviation for Looking For Team. A person who wishes to join a currently active team.
An abbreviation for Looking For Players. A person whose team is in need of players.
An abbreviation for Looking For Scrims. A person who wishes to find another team to scrim with.
A lobby is a semi-competitive game played on a matchmaking website such as tf2center. Lobbies are often not taken seriously, and PUG's are generally better for practicing. The most famous lobby site, tf2lobby, stopped being maintained in early 2013, and continued to run without any maintenance until late 2013. Stats from TF2lobby can still be seen on the website.
A gameplay mod which allows for 1v1 matches, typically on 6v6 classes, often used to practice DM.
A match in which the teams consist of friends. The medic is usually chosen at random or with a "Last to spec" call if there are no volunteers. In Europe the term "Doublemix" is used for in-house PUGs.
"Ready Up"
An initialism for Practice Clan War. A practice match between two teams. A European term; see Scrim.
A demo recording plugin for TF2.
Commonly used term to describe public games and/or servers.
PUG, Pickup
An abbreviation for Pick-Up Game. Usually employed as a way to practice in a competitive environment as close as possible to an official competitive game, in which players sign up for classes they wish to play. Some pickup systems/sites also have a captain system in which two players are then assigned as "Captains" and pick their teams.
An abbreviation for scrimmage match. A practice match between two teams or two people.
Source Television. A server plugin that can be used by casters to watch a game with a default 90 second delay. STVs make watching matches possible, as a caster or viewer does not have to be connected to the game server to watch, just the stv server.
Commonly used term referring the Soldier.
An abbreviation for Video-On-Demand. An uploaded recording of a match. Also sometimes used as a term referencing the archiving of a live stream.
Ringer / Merc / Sub
A name used to describe players who are playing as a substitute for a team due to missing players, while not actually being on that teams roster.
A whitelist is a list of allowed items used mainly in competitive. The items not in the whitelist will not be equipable and will reset players to stock.
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