Highlander, a form of 9v9, is the largest competitive Team Fortress format. Its similarities to average public servers makes it an ideal starting point for new players, and its requirement that each team has one of every class means no matter what you like to play, there's a spot on the team for you.
Highlander Competitive Format
Highlander is a competitive format with nine players on a team, each representing a different class. The name of the format comes from the quote "There can only be one [of each class]" from Highlander, a movie released in 1986.
Game Modes
Control Points
Main Article: 5CP
For Example: cp_process, cp_gullywash, cp_snakewater_final1
Stopwatch / Attack and Defend
Main Article: Stopwatch / Attack and Defend
For Example: pl_badwater, pl_upward, cp_steel
Stopwatch maps are won by finishing in a faster time than your opponent. You alternate defense / offense after each round. Time is measured by how long it took you to cap points. For example, if you cap all 5 points on a map in 8:37, the opponent must cap all the points in under 8:37 to win. If you cap 3 points in 5:11, the opponent must either cap 3 points in under 5:11, or cap at least 4 points.
King of the Hill
Main Article: KOTH
For Example: koth_lakeside, koth_pro_viaduct, koth_ashville_rc1
Highlander Leagues
North American
- No NA-only leagues
Highlander Pugs
- TF2 Center (A web-based pickup for 6v6 / 9v9 / 4v4 / Ultiduo and BBall)
- TF2Pickup.net (a web-based pickup for 6v6 / 9v9 / Ultiduo and BBall)
Highlander Coverage
Over the time the community has wrote a handful of guides on how to play this popular format, some of them can be seen below: