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< Template:MapLeagueInclusionTable/Header
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This template was made to show a map's inclusions in the map pool of various leagues and in various seasons.

Associated templates

The current templates associated with creating a Map League Inclusion Table are:

These templates can also be found in Category:MapLeagueInclusionTable Base Templates.

General information

  • All parameters are in lowercase characters
  • The generic makeup of a table consists of 1 Header, at least 1 Row, 1 Footer, 1 Note (optional) and 1 Key (optional).
  • The current leagues available to include are UGC (4v4), UGC (6v6), ETF2L (6v6), ESEA (6v6), Ozfortress Winter League (6v6), UGC (HL) and ETF2L (HL)
  • Any parameter with "ozf6s" denotes the Ozfortress Winter League (OWL)

Full table example

"Note" parameters

The term "note" can be added onto the end of any parameter followed by a number which will then display said number in superscript, then referenced below the table with the Template:MapLeagueInclusionTable/Note template. Potential note parameters are referenced in their individual sections.
Note: numbers should be consecutively ordered from top left of the table to bottom right.


 | etf2l6s = 1
 | etf2l6snote = 1
 | maptype = normal
 | mapdownload = http://fastdl.colonslash.eu/maps/cp_freight_b3.bsp.bz2
 | mapdownloadnote = 2
 | mapname = cp_freight_b3
 | etf2l6s = 4
 | etf2l6snote = 3
 | etf2l6s = 1
 | number = 1
 | content = ETF2L is a big league
 | number = 2
 | content =  Map download is in .bz2 format
 | number = 3
 | content = Wowie this is the 4th season of ETF2L

Will yield:

Seasonal Inclusions by League
[view] Map version 4v4 6v6 Prolander Highlander
UGC-Icon2.png UGC UGC-Icon2.png UGC ETF2L-Icon2.png ETF2L EseaLogo.png ESEA Ozfortress Icon.png ozfortress RGL Icon.png RGL AsiaFortress-Icon.png AsiaFortress RGL Icon.png RGL UGC-Icon2.png UGC ETF2L-Icon2.png ETF2L RGL Icon.png RGL
Total inclusions out of 28 out of 41 1 out of 46 out of 30 out of 38 out of 21 out of 13 out of 10 out of 39 out of 30 out of 16



The header defines what leagues will be included, displayed as columns in the table.


The following are all potential parameters, and therefore leagues, that can be used:
|ugc4s, |ugc6s, |etf2l6s, |esea6s, |ozf6s, |ugchl, and |etf2lhl
Setting a "1" value to these parameters will display a league as a column.

Note parameters

Excluding the above parameters, the other note parameters are: |mapnamenote, |4v4note, |6v6note, and |highlandernote


 | ugc6s = 1
 | etf2l6s = 1
 | esea6s = 1
 | ozf6s = 1
 | ugchl = 1

Will yield:

Seasonal Inclusions by League
[view] Map version 4v4 6v6 Prolander Highlander
UGC-Icon2.png UGC UGC-Icon2.png UGC ETF2L-Icon2.png ETF2L EseaLogo.png ESEA Ozfortress Icon.png ozfortress RGL Icon.png RGL AsiaFortress-Icon.png AsiaFortress RGL Icon.png RGL UGC-Icon2.png UGC ETF2L-Icon2.png ETF2L RGL Icon.png RGL


The footer shows the total inclusions of a map in each individual league.


The following are all potential parameters, and therefore leagues, that can be used:
|ugc4s, |ugc6s, |etf2l6s, |esea6s, |ozf6s, |ugchl, and |etf2lhl
Setting any value to these parameters will display that value as the total number of seasonal inclusions for a league.

Note parameters

Excluding the above parameters, the other note parameters are: |totalinclusionsnote, |ugc4stotalseasonsnote, |ugc6stotalseasonsnote, |etf2l6stotalseasonsnote, |esea6stotalseasonsnote, |ozf6stotalseasonsnote, |ugchltotalseasonsnote, and |etf2lhltotalseasonsnote


 | ugc6s = 1
 | etf2l6s = 1
 | esea6s = 1
 | ozf6s = 1
 | ugchl = 1
 | ugc6s = 9
 | etf2l6s = 7
 | esea6s = 4
 | ozf6s = 4
 | ugchl = 3

Will yield:

Seasonal Inclusions by League
[view] Map version 4v4 6v6 Prolander Highlander
UGC-Icon2.png UGC UGC-Icon2.png UGC ETF2L-Icon2.png ETF2L EseaLogo.png ESEA Ozfortress Icon.png ozfortress RGL Icon.png RGL AsiaFortress-Icon.png AsiaFortress RGL Icon.png RGL UGC-Icon2.png UGC ETF2L-Icon2.png ETF2L RGL Icon.png RGL
Total inclusions out of 28 9 out of 41 7 out of 46 4 out of 30 4 out of 38 out of 21 out of 13 out of 10 3 out of 39 out of 30 out of 16


The key section is a legend to explain colours/text formatting used in the table.


Setting a "1" value to this parameter will display explaining italic bold text (indicating a current or latest season)
Setting a "1" value to this parameter will display a table with the official map colour code partnered with text (explaining colour coding for official maps)
Setting a "1" value to this parameter will display a table with the adapted colour code partnered with text (explaining colour coding for adapted or "pro" maps)

Note parameters

There are no additional note parameters


 | caption = 1
 | valve = 1
 | pro = 1

Will yield:



The notes section contains points of clarification that are previously referenced in the table.


Setting any value to this parameter will display the value in superscript.
Setting text to this parameter will display the content of the note (what is being referenced/clarified) in small text.

There are no note parameters for this template.


 | number = 1
 | content = ETF2L is a big league
 | number = 2
 | content =  Map download is in .bz2 format
 | number = 3
 | content = Wowie this is the 4th season of ETF2L

Will yield:
