
From comp.tf
Revision as of 18:01, 30 March 2015 by Kaneco (talk | contribs) (updated entire template and usage instructions)
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This Week's Match Maps
Ozfortress (6v6) ETF2L (HL) ETF2L (6v6) ESEA (6v6) UGC (HL) UGC (6v6)
Offseason.png Offseason.png Offseason.png Offseason.png Offseason.png Offseason.png
Offseason Offseason Offseason Offseason Offseason Offseason


  • The template displays the current maps in each league automatically linked to the maps page, or displays Offseason if the league field is absent.
  • If the league is in Playoffs time don't fill the comment fields, simply put Playoffs in the competition field
  • You can also add comments under the map names, using the leaguenamecomment field (e.g. ozfortress6scomment=week 7).


 | ozfortress6s = 
 | etf2lhl = Warmtic
 | etf2lhl2 = Process
 | etf2lhlcomment = Week 2
 | etf2l6s = Playoffs
 | etf2l6s2 = 
 | etf2l6scomment =
 | esea = Playoffs
 | eseacomment =
 | ugchl = Process
 | ugchlcomment = Week 9
 | ugc6s = Snakewater
 | ugc6scomment = Week 9


This Week's Match Maps
Ozfortress (6v6) ETF2L (HL) ETF2L (6v6) ESEA (6v6) UGC (HL) UGC (6v6)
Offseason.png Warmtic.png Process.png Playoffs.png Playoffs.png Process.png Snakewater.png
Offseason Warmtic Process Playoffs Playoffs Process Snakewater
Week 2 Week 9 Week 9