Pcgn pugs

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Basic Information
Founded December 17, 2009
Creator K2
Status Inactive
Group Type Pug
Group Page Link


PCGN or "PC Gamer Network" Pugs was the first and most successful invite-only pugging group for the average skilled player. In order to play in the group one must be invite from the inside and follow the many rules posted on the groups page. Unlike many pug groups at the time each player had to have an understanding of at least the basic concepts important to playing 6v6, and have a working mic with the ability to use mumble. Because of these obstacles the group was never as large as similar groups at the time; however the quality of the pugs was notably better which cultivated a strong community of quality players and even spawned many new 6v6 teams. PCGN Pugs' death was due not only to the rise of TF2 Lobby but to corrupt leadership in K2 or "Boom" who lied about sponsors and connections he didn't possess. This led to multiple failed teams and contributed to a feeling of mistrust that eventually ended the group. Following the groups death, many players maintained connections and ended up playing on some of the more successful teams in recent years.

Notable Alumni[edit]

Player Team
Shwan Vector Gaming
Mile Vector Gaming
Ben Avoided
Cinq Apoplexy Industries
Squid Apocalypse Gaming
Zclipse Leviathan Gaming