Overview | Results |
Domo is an English demoman and medic who plays in the premiership division of ETF2L with Witness Gaming EU. He most recently won premiership in Season 45, making his premiership debut in season 25 with 3/6. In total he has 10 premiership titles.
Domo has also played in multiple lans. He most recently won Insomnia71 though he also won RCADIA Fortress LAN 2022. He has also achieved respectable finishes at Insomnia 69 (2nd place), Insomnia 65 (4th place) and Copenhagen Games 2018 (3rd place).
Domo has played in multiple online events outside of the regular ETF2L seasons. During lockdown achieved multiple first place finishes in online tournaments: GGtoor Locked (down) & Loaded #1 and Lockdown Throwdown aswell as a second place finish in Lockdown Throwdown Round 2
Fragmovies and Clips
- 2021 | Domo Legacy (by
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