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Apocalypse Gaming
tri hards
After the season ended, tri hards picked up rr from Mad Men as Demoman, saying that they refused to scrim with dummy due to his tendency to rage. Who goes to LAN remains to be seen.
Classic Mixup
High Rollers Gaming
Top Guns
Top Guns struggled with roster issues. Originally picking up carnage to replace justin, he left due to clashes in personality despite playing well. Relic was also unable to play due to a trip to Taiwan for several weeks, forcing their backup grape to play Roamer.
Mad Men
Starting the season with snoopy as Scout, he was cut for Seymoo due to lack of dedication.
Vector Gaming
In the absence of ninjanick, the team struggled to find a new medic, originally picking up Mr. Slin, who left due to having difficulty meshing with the team, they picked up foster later. Dead due to computer issues, they failed to get a single win in the season.
Solace eSports
Runaway 5
While they started out the season with Ma3la, he left to backup for Chill To Good Ratio in ESEA-IM.