Property:Processing error message

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Showing 17 pages using this property.
"-" is not a number.
A user-defined subobject contained an invalid naming scheme. The dot notation (Big.tf_vs_HOSTILE_Gaming_at_March_26,_2016_-_13:45+1:00_in_Match_TBD) used within the first five characters is reserved for extensions. You may set a named identifier.
A user-defined subobject contained an invalid naming scheme. The dot notation (Big.tf_vs_netCut.tf_at_March_26,_2016_-_23:15+1:00_in_Match_TBD) used within the first five characters is reserved for extensions. You may set a named identifier.
A user-defined subobject contained an invalid naming scheme. The dot notation (Big.tf_vs_BackGet_Foolery_at_March_26,_2016_-_13:00+1:00_in_Match_TBD) used within the first five characters is reserved for extensions. You may set a named identifier.
A user-defined subobject contained an invalid naming scheme. The dot notation (Big.tf_vs_Les_Éperviers_Furibonds_at_March_26,_2016_-_21:45+1:00_in_Match_TBD) used within the first five characters is reserved for extensions. You may set a named identifier.
"N/K" is not a number.
A user-defined subobject contained an invalid naming scheme. The dot notation (sXe.Injected_vs_Taste_The_Secret_at_December_6,_2020_-_20:00-3:00_in_Match_TBD) used within the first five characters is reserved for extensions. You may set a named identifier.
A user-defined subobject contained an invalid naming scheme. The dot notation (sXe.Injected_vs_Team_PhallanX_at_November_3,_2020_-_22:00-3:00_in_Match_TBD) used within the first five characters is reserved for extensions. You may set a named identifier.
A user-defined subobject contained an invalid naming scheme. The dot notation (sXe.Injected_vs_Sailor_Moon_at_November_8,_2020_-_22:00-3:00_in_Match_TBD) used within the first five characters is reserved for extensions. You may set a named identifier.
Property "Has organizer" (as page type) with input value "Image:Flag_of_Russia.png|border|Russia|link=]] [[Eniere" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Some use of "[[" in your query was not closed by a matching "]]".
The part "" of the query was not understood. Results might not be as expected.
Property "Has organizer" (as page type) with input value " Oomba] & [[b4nny" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
"[http" has not been listed as valid URI scheme.
Property "Has team" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Has team" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Has team" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.