MediaWiki talk:Common.css

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Could someone with permissions add vertical-align: top; text-align: left; to the styling for span.controls? It should fix the [edit] buttons used on the Main Page, Class Weapon Tables and Map League Inclusion Tables being slightly misplaced. --garlic (talk) 06:29, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Added! --Efefknee (talk) 14:03, 13 February 2016 (UTC)
Huh, seems as though it's not working; I'll just add it to each table instead. Unless there's a delay between updating the CSS and it actually taking effect, feel free to remove it! --garlic (talk) 23:14, 13 February 2016 (UTC)
You may need to reload your current page, ignoring cached content. This can usually be done with shift + f5 or ctrl + f5, as far as I'm aware. --Efefknee (talk) 23:56, 13 February 2016 (UTC)