Template:Class Weapon Table Row
This is a test version of a template for the construction of a row in a Class' weapons table. Right now, I'm trying to find a way to allow states other than Allowed/Banned to come up on the ladder, while still keeping template users away from the code. got to read up on #switch parser functions
{{User:Maxim/Template:Class Weapon Table Row |weaponname = Natascha |itemquality = Stock |wikilink = Brass_Beast |imgname = 128px-Fists.png |cevo6s = true |esea6s = true |etf2l6s = true |ozf6s = false |ugc6s = false |ozfHL = no |ugcHL = asldkjf |etf2lHL = |cevoHL = true |wireplayHL = |description = SEY! SEY! }}