Difference between revisions of "User:Garlic"

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Line 24: Line 24:
**Current Rotations
**Current Rotations
**Current Seasons
**Current Seasons
*Implementing NewInfobox Map
*Implementing NewInfobox Map

Revision as of 17:54, 25 April 2016

User:Garlic/abc123 >
Stoupedog Icon 180.png__
comp.tf Moderator
Demomanicon.png New Zealand New Zealand
"cor-bit" AKA garlic Steam Logo.png TFTV Icon.png

todo next:

  • AF
    • MapLeagueInclusionTable
      • /doc
    • Class Weapon Table
    • Weekmaps
    • NewInfobox Map
    • Current Rotations
    • Current Seasons
  • DH
  • Implementing NewInfobox Map

  • NewInfobox Map
    • Semantics
  • Ruleset section for /Overview pages
  • MapCard
    • Update from Test/MapCard
    • Remove tooltip
    • 2 maps 1 card

  • NewInfobox Sub-league
  • Map Pool automation
    • In NewInfobox Season
    • In MapCard
    • Must alphabetise Current Rotations
  • Unlockable Weapons automation
    • Link season pages "Unlockable Weapons" sections with Class Weapon Tables via Current Seasons