Competitive Formats

Revision as of 13:23, 3 July 2013 by Maxim (talk | contribs) (Maxim moved page Other Competitive Modes to Competitive Formats: Competitive Formats will outline all formats, and provide links to main pages should further explanation be warranted.)
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4v4, bball, 7v7, 8v8, and ADS game modes should be fleshed out here.


Basketball is a custom gamemode played in a 1v1 or 2v2 format, using Soldiers. In between each death, there is a 2 second spawn timer. The objective is to score a point by using rocket jumping to dunk on the enemy team with the intelligence. Once a point is scored by a team, the round is reset and the intelligence spawns on the opposing team's free throw line, giving the team a slight advantage. BBall rules vary, you may often find servers with no limit on scoring and time. This gamemode heavily rewards practice of air shots and rocket jumping.


Ultiduo is a competitive format consisting of two players on each team, usually a Soldier and a Medic. The objective is similar to King of the Hill, capture and defend the point from the opposing team. To win, you must run down the timer, which is done so by capturing the point. Since this gamemode consists of only a Soldier and Medic, it is heavily reliant on deathmatch skills.