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Revision as of 17:03, 4 August 2013

The boston basher is a melee weapon for Scout, which is very useful for competitive game types. For both 6v6 and 9v9, the boston basher is used for building ubercharge, or kritzkrieg charge. When you do not hit anything with the boston basher, you damage yourself, making the charge fill up faster. If you have an uber disadvantage, building with the boston basher will get uber much faster than healing a full health target. The alternate way of building is the soldier shooting the ground under him, damaging himself. This method is less ideal because if you aren't near an ammo pack, the soldier will run out of ammo quickly. You will only be able to build ubercharge with the boston basher during stalemates, because if it is not a stalemate, the enemy team can jump in and kill you because of the damage you dealt to yourself.