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The sniper is a long-ranged class with the ability to one-shot any enemy in the game. They are valued for their ability to get key picks without directly engaging the enemy team. In a typical 6v6 format, the sniper is considered an offclass, played only when a situation presents itself, most often when a team is at an uber disadvantage, or holding the last point. The main downfall for teams running a sniper, however, is that during an uber fight snipers are practically useless, and that they have very low direct combat abilities. Snipers primarily target the enemy Demoman and Medic, due to the ability to change the direction of a game through key picks.


As one of the most potentially dangerous classes in the game, the sniper relies heavily on sight lines in a map, and their own team's ability to call the positions of enemies. This combined with the inability to protect itself in direct combat with a scout or roaming soldier forces snipers to play defensively, usually staying as far away from a choke point in between pushes as possible, and waiting for the chance to punish enemies who over extend.