
From comp.tf
Revision as of 18:35, 26 September 2013 by Thesupremecommander (talk | contribs) (added second map for ETF2L)
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This Week's Match Maps
CEVO (6v6) ETF2L (HL) ETF2L (6v6) ESEA (6v6) UGC (HL) UGC (6v6)
Offseason.png Offseason.png Offseason.png Offseason.png 125px Offseason.png
Offseason Offseason Offseason Offseason Offseason Offseason


The template displays the current maps in each division, or "offseason" marks if the league field is absent.


{{Match maps
 | cevo6s = cp_gravelpit
 <!-- | etf2lhl
 | etf2l6s -->
 | etf2l6s2 -->
 | esea = cp_granary
 | ugchl = pl_upward
 | ugc6s = cp_snakewater


This Week's Match Maps
CEVO (6v6) ETF2L (HL) ETF2L (6v6) ESEA (6v6) UGC (HL) UGC (6v6)
Gravel Pit.jpg Offseason.png Offseason.png Granary.jpg 125px Cp snakewater.png
cp_gravelpit Offseason Offseason cp_granary pl_upward cp_snakewater

You can also add comments under the map names, using the leaguefieldnamecomment field (e.g. cevo6scomment).