Difference between revisions of "User talk:Ninya"

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Latest revision as of 22:32, 18 June 2016

Re: Country Specific UK Flags[edit]


The decision to streamline UK flags was made a couple of weeks ago, I've just been trying to make the wiki consistent. The idea was to make all British players use the same flag on pages other than country specific team/competition pages or on their own pages where the players will be listed under both countries. If you look back at old versions of some rosters, specifically Perilous, you can see that the team consisted of a mixture of English, Welsh and British flags which is just confusing and messy. I understand that Mike is specifically known to be Welsh but it makes all flags needlessly complicated, especially if the region of the UK from which a player comes in unknown. I can definitely pass on your suggestion though, if people preferred the old system of using the ETF2L flag it could probably be reinstated. That said, I'm not very important here so I might be wrong. :P

Thanks for your interest in the wiki though! I'm probably not the best person to ask about stuff, but feel free to post on my talk page if you've any more questions! :)

--Llamadillo (talk) 22:32, 18 June 2016 (UTC)